Tag Archives: Ausin

If this guy can’t find a job…

The Austin American-Statesman reports here that Alberto Gonzales doesn’t have a job, and hasn’t had a lot of luck in finding one.

Since leaving office in August 2007 amid an investigation into the firing of U.S. attorneys, Gonzales said he has concentrated on cooperating with ongoing investigations. He also has given speeches, done some consulting and mediating and talked with law firms about jobs.

So far, nothing has panned out on the job front.

One of the guys in the unemployment line

One of the guys in the unemployment line

“It’s a rough economy right now, and it’s a tough time for a lot of law firms right now. Obviously they are very careful about bringing on new people, and they are going to be careful about bringing on people where there are questions about things that may have happened in their past,” he said. “Over time, I’m confident those things will be resolved, and things will work themselves out.”

The article suggests that Gonzales’s job problems are as a result of “misinformation” about his tenure as AG.  Misinformation or not, General Gonzales was the top attorney for the United States of America and a former Texas Supreme Court justice.  My guess is that he could work at nearly any law firm in the country and make seven figures doing so.

I am in the job market, and all I can say is, if this guy can’t get a job, what chance do I have?

(Then again, I wasn’t involved in the firing of nine U.S. attorneys for political reasons, I didn’t defend extraordinary rendition as constitutional, and I didn’t write the torture memo.)

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